Friday, July 15, 2016

How to hide file inside image file in LINUX?

Hello Friends….
Now a day security is big problem for us and we want secure our personal data…
Don’t worry, I have solution for that…
We can hide our personal files inside image called “Stenography”...
Follow below step to secure our data inside image file…


  • Image file
  • Personal files
  • Linux Operating System


  1. Create compressed (Zip) file of our personal data
  2. Keep Image file and compressed file in same directory
  3. Open Terminal
  4. Locate our directory
  5. Type cat command to hide compress file inside image

Step-1 Create compressed (Zip) file of our personal data

Here we will compress our all personal files into one Zip file using compressed file tool. Press mouse right click and select compress option and create compress file.

Here we had created compress file of our personal files.

Step-2 Keep Image file and compressed file in same directory

Now we will put all required data inside one directory in specific location.

Suppose we will create directory on Documents with directory name Stenography and put all data inside that directory.

Step-3 Open Terminal

Press ctrl + alt + t for open Terminal

Step-4 Locate our directory

After opening Terminal we will locate our directory where we created.

Here we had created directory on Documents so we follow below command
Type cd Documents

Then cd Stenography

Step-5 Type cat  command to hide compress file inside image

Now will apply cat command to hide our compress file

cat image_file zip_file > target_image_file

for our specified data..

cat image.jpg > image.jpg

Yeeaaahhhhhh… We had hide and secure our data….
Now we can use only image.jpg file which kept our personal data…

If we have to extract our data from image file than follow below step
1. Open Terminal
2. Locate image file directory
3. Unzip file using unzip command as follow

unzip image.jpg

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